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Lorena Gonzalez & Gaston Camejo
Argentine Tango World Champions 2014!
Specialists in both Technical Precision and the Artistry of the Tango!
Lorena & Gaston teaching & performing in Sacramento for 4 days only!
October 25 - October 28, 2024
Workshop Schedule
Saturday, October 26, 6:45-7:45 pm (immediately before the milonga)​
"Milonga -- Traditional Milonga steps and sequences with Traspie, Technique, Rhythm and Playful Combinations!"
Cost is $25 for Workshop; $10 for Milonga.
Milonga starts at 8:00 pm; performance at Milonga 10:00 pm.
Sunday, October 27 -- 1:00-2:30 pm
"Calesitas -- Using Enrosque Technique for Beautiful and Original Embellishments; Leading Technique."
Cost is $30 per person
Sunday, October 27 -- 3:00-4:30 pm
"Sacadas Technique -- Complex Sequences with Sacadas."
Cost is $30 per person
Sign up in advance for all three workshops for a discounted price of $75!
They are available for private lessons; please contact them directly at; whatsapp: +5491161360935
Take your tango to another level by learning with these fabulous dancers & teachers!
​Tango by the River is located at 128 J Street, Sacramento, CA 95814
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