Tango in Reno!
Donna Tielsch and Daniel Curtis from Tango by the River are happy to be teaching a limited series of Argentine Tango classes in Reno! The first of these special events will be held on June 2, 2024. Please sign up in advance to reserve your spot in class!
$5 Introductory Class ~ 5:00-6:00 pm with Tango Party/Practica til 6:30 pm
Lesson, Demo Dances, and Party!
$15 Int/Adv Class "Boleos & Leg Wraps" ~ 6:30-7:30 pm
Plus we will have special incentives for signing up for the monthly series with VZ Tango (click here for more information)!
We are limiting the number of participants to 20, so please sign up in advance. The cost of the Introductory Class is only $5; the Intermediate/Advanced Boleos & Leg Wraps class is $15 per person (we encourage intermediate and advanced dancers to attend the Introductory Class to help out with the new students!)
If you have any questions, please call the studio at 916-443-7008 or email donna@rivertango.com. Limited openings for private lessons are also available; please contact us for more information.
All events will be held at the Ballroom of Reno at 2540 Sutro Street, Reno.
Click here to download or print a printable version of the flyer.
Bio of Donna Tielsch and Daniel Curtis
Studio Owners & Instructors
Donna Tielsch is the main instructor at Tango by the River, which she opened on April 7, 2000, in Old Sacramento. Argentine Tango has been her passion for the past 25 years, during which time she has danced, taught, and performed all across the United States, in London, Paris, Prague, Montreal, and, of course in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is the first-ever American to be admitted to the “Cuadro de Amigos” in El Academia Nacional del Tango (the National Academy of Tango) in Buenos Aires due to her dedicated support of Argentine Tango Maestros, being their visa sponsor, allowing them to travel and work throughout the United States. She has taught over 3,000 classes, hosted over 2,800 milongas and practicas, produced 8 sold-out tango shows, led 6 tango tours to Buenos Aires, hosted the Lake Tahoe Tango Festival 2018 & 2019, and Tango by the River is the ambassador studio for California for anyone wishing to join the Tango MayaFest in Cancun every year. With all that, Donna still possesses 1 burning love of tango! “What we love so much about tango is how it connects us all together. We live in a rather sterile world with boundaries everywhere — from fences around our yards to cubicle walls that separate us from people, experience, life. But tango lets us get close. Close and connected. When the rest of the world slips away and it’s just me and my partner moving in synchronicity with each other and with the music—that’s tango. And that’s why I started dancing this dance. Well, that and the great shoes!” Now, countless hours of tango later, she enjoys helping people discover the beauty and joy of Argentine Tango.
Daniel Curtis is Donna's husband as well as her dance and teaching partner. Daniel recently retired after dedicating 34 years to the Fire Service. He was active not only in fire suppression, but also a member of the Heavy Rescue Division, training and responding to various infrequent calls such as building collapse, high and low angle rescues and confined spaces. He was also a team member of the Hazardous Materials response team as well as a Fire Investigator. He was a
dedicated instructor throughout his career training new recruits as well as current firefighters, amassing over 1,000 hours of continued education. He has always put 100% into whatever he puts his mind to and that has definitely carried into his passion for dancing and teaching Tango.
Together, Donna & Daniel have many years of experience teaching Tango. They have 4 beautiful children (one of whom watches us dance from heaven), and they enjoy traveling and dancing Tango wherever they can!